Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Artificial fertilizers

Artificial fertilizers are usually morbidly given. However, in order to obtain satisfactory results should be given fertilizer on crops. TSB artificial fertilizers in the form of urea, TSP and KCl at a ratio of 1, 2, 2 as much as 15 g of each plant (3 g urea; 6gr TS; 6 grams of KCL). TSB fertilizer should be given 1 month old plants along with the weeding. After 1.5-2 months old, female plants start flowering.
atu longer biological wealth tersumberdayakan barely even almost

forgotten in society that is winged. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus or winged bean (L.) DC This is native to tropical and spread all over Indonesia. In some areas known as starfruit Beans (North Sumatra, West Sumatra), Peanut embing (Palembang), Jaat (Sunda), Cipir, winged bean (Java), Kelongkang (Bali), Biraro (Manado, Ternate). Some academic opinion on the winged bean:
• An underexploited tropical plants with promising economic value!. [U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 1975]
• A possible soybean for the tropics!. A (food) supermarket on a stalk!. [Board on Sci. And Technol. for Intern. Develop., 1981]
• A leading potential plant protein source for the future! [Sri Kantha and Erdman, 1984]
• An unexploited source of (fatty) oil!. [Salunkhe et al., 1992]

Since 1975, the winged bean was already predicted to be a very promising future as a high-value biological material and have a myriad of benefits. But the current reality of its existence it was not recognized by the community. Therefore, let us trace back what the winged bean plant.

Description and Benefits

Stems and Bulbs
Winged bean plants grow vines, bushy. Height can reach 3-4 m, in cultivation usually given buffer, but if left unchecked it will cover the soil surface. The stem is cylindrical, jointed, rarely woody. Winged bean tuber tastes slightly sweet, white flesh ivory, solid fiber like apple, but less savory smells. Tuber protein (10.9 g) was five times higher than the potato, yam and sweet potato. Some of the benefits of winged bean tubers:
1 tubers can be eaten after the parents have not been steamed / boiled / "dibubuy";
Can be made 2 chips after boiling, thinly sliced ​​and fried. Bulbs can also be eaten as winged yam;
3 In countries myanmar, winged bean tubers are usually boiled until soft and eaten as a snack with vegetable oil and salt, and
4 As a remedy thrush with added sugar cube.

Compound leaves with three leaflets triangular, 7,0-8,5cm long, pinnate pinnate, criss-cross layout, the color green. Winged bean leaves can be used as a drug supposedly eye pain, ear pain, and ulcers. Leaves, especially the dark green protein is rich in provitamin A. (5,07,6 g) is higher than cassava leaves (6.9 g), spinach (3.6 g), taro leaves (4.1 g) per 100 grams.

The flowers are single, butterfly type, grown from axillary panicles, the petals are usually colored pale blue and has the advantage capable of self-pollinated. Such as squash

flowers and flower of turi, winged bean flowers are also delicious eaten raw as a salad or salad, boiled, or fried. Tastes good like a mushroom. The flowers can be processed into herbs, spices, sweets, and natural dyes. Protein winged bean flowers (5.6 g) is greater than the banana (1.6 g) and squash flowers (1.3 g) per 100 grams.

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